1000lbs & 500lbs Club Rules & Standards

Squat Standards


  1. Position the bar horizontally across the shoulders with a firm grip.
  2. Spotter assistance for removing the bar from racks is optional.
  3. Move backward to establish a motionless starting position, standing upright with locked knees, and await the judge’s signal.
  4. Bend the knees and lower the body until the top of the thighs at the hip joint is below the top of the knees.
  5. Return to a fully upright position with locked knees.


  • Double bouncing or downward movement during ascent.
  • Failure to achieve a fully upright position at the start or finish.
  • Failure to lower hips to the required depth.
  • Stepping or lateral foot movement.
  • Dropping or dumping the bar after the lift.  

Bench Press Standards


  1. Lie on your back with head, shoulders, and buttocks on the bench; feet flat on the floor.
  2. Use a "thumbs-around" grip on the bar.
  3. Spotter assistance for removing the bar from racks is optional.
  4. Maintain a motionless position with locked elbows and await the judge’s signal.
  5. Lower the bar to touch the chest, then press it back to arm’s length with locked elbows.


  • Lifting of the head, shoulders, or buttocks off the bench.
  • Any contact between the lifter’s feet and the bench or its supports.
  • Lifting feet off the floor; feet must remain flat.
  • Sinking the bar into the chest or abdomen.
  • Failure to touch the bar to the chest. ● Failure to lock elbows at the finish.
  • Contact with the bench frame.

Deadlift Standards


  1. Perform either a conventional or sumo deadlift.
  2. Grip the bar with both hands in any style and lift until standing erect with locked knees and shoulders back.


  • Downward movement of the bar before completion.
  • Failure to stand fully upright with locked knees.
  • Supporting the bar on the thighs during the lift.
  • Stepping or lateral foot movement.
  • Dropping the bar without control.
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